After driving all day yesterday in the perfect weather, my friend Wevo and I headed straight to La Jolla for some water time. We knew it was the calm before the storm but there was no wind and the sun was out.
We met up with a couple friends at Marine Street and saw the sheet glass and clear water from the lookout and bolted back to the car to get ready.
As usual, I was the last one to get ready. I wish there was a system where I can instantly just grab my water housing with the camera in it and jump in the water. But there isn't. If I did that and rush things, all my settings would be off and I'd probably flood my housing and ruin my baby. So after taking my time and getting everything dialed, we were off.
We laughed and got a few shots in the two foot shorey. It was definitely a great way to end the day.
It was when we sat down at this unreal Indian Buffet restaurant off Clairemont and the 805, that we all took turns looking through the photos. And it was my buddy Nelz, as he was eating the tasty tandoori chicken leg... he said,
"That's sick. You guys made chicken out of chicken sh!t." In other words, we got a few great pix even though it was two foot.
Good times. Yes... there's a swell brewing. Stand by for more goods!
Here's one of my favorite shots from yesterday. I've set it up to be a wallpaper for your computer. It's set at 1280x1024px. Please enjoy. To peep all the photos from , check out: